At My Father’s Ferragamo Feet

Hi, SOFLY Hearts ❤️ For Father’s Day this year, I sat down with my father for a father-daughter conversation. And it felt wonderful. I had the entire convo recorded so I could always go back to replay it. Our parents can be full of information and it is a special...

Dare 2B Different Outreach Mentoring

A Workshop on SELF WORTH/ SELF RESPECT/ SELF ESTEEM Hi, SOFLY Hearts… Welcome to a new blog week. I hope you are doing well. I loved the weekend I just had. I had an opportunity to meet new youth and speak at a workshop for an Awesome organization called...


Hi, SOFLY Hearts❤️   This is an exciting week for my family and the community outreach we do.   When I was seven years old my mother started a mission called CAMP CAN-DO that taught children about God, in our community that was known as a ghetto. But last...

Mothers are Forever Flowers

‘And a Tribute To My Mom’ Happy Mother’s Day-Week! ❤️ I took my mother to the beautiful U.S. Botanic Garden because of her love for flowers. I brought her to this garden because it is a reflection of her beauty. She is like a flower but more than a flower...


I don’t want to leave out the gents here. I know the title of this post refers to the ladies. But this is a lifestyle & awareness piece for the lady and gentleman. Bonjour, Hearts♥️ Let’s talk a little French. Mademoiselle is a French word that sounds like...