Hi, SOFLY Hearts ❤️

For Father’s Day this year, I sat down with my father for a father-daughter conversation. And it felt wonderful. I had the entire convo recorded so I could always go back to replay it.

Our parents can be full of information and it is a special moment when they get to share it with their children.

I just wanted to share with you some of the questions I asked my father – from the ones that caught him off guard – to the ones that made him smirk or chuckle as he answered.

Question 1:

What do you remember most about your father and mother?

Question 2:

What is love to you?

Question 3:

If you had to choose between being a father of fun, morals, compassion or strictness, which would you choose?

Question 4:

How would you describe your life as a young person?

Question 5:

Tell me something that you never told your daughters/sons or something you don’t tell them often. Why do you want them to know this?

Bonus Question:

You’re a fly guy. When did you get into fashion and the way you wear your clothes?

Sit with your fathers or father figures to talk and ask questions.

Give it a chance. I believe you will love it.

Much Love