Hi Loves. ❤️ It’s a New SO FLY season. And a new kind of school year. 

This post is about 3 Big Tips To Have A Great School Year At Home. 

Most schools are not opening because of the COVID-19 monster. School is outside the classroom.

So, for now-

Your Schedule At Home is Everything. Allow me to introduce you to two best friends- their names are schedules and success. They do everything together. When you see one you see the other. No new friends. All they need are each other.


Anyone that has ever done anything Great stuck to a schedule. Fact. So make your schedule and stick with it.


Pray before bed and when you wake up. Yes, talk to God.


Sleep around the same time every night and wake up the same time every morning for school days. It’s not that you’re a robot. It’s about getting enough sleep and rest so your body and mind will perform all day.


Use your alarm, and stop snoozing bruh. Have a friend or family call you as your alarm clock. Then get right up. Do a jumping jack or something. I’m forreal. Start your energy yourself. Start the morning with what makes you laugh.


Get dressed every single school day – Even Though you’re going back into your bedroom or living room for school. Wash and change into fresh clothes. At least fresh underwear. When you feel fresh you can think fresh. And you want to be ready to step outside at least once throughout your day.


Eat breakfast and lunch at the same time. Leave your room when you eat. This will help you step away from the “school zone” for a break. Do something quick and playful during your break.

Set an alarm to get back to your class ROOM at the right time. 

Go Outside after school time is over. Do something active. Go somewhere new. Or Hang out with a friend or two and keep some distance – I realize more and more we are not made to be alone. And if you can’t be with your friends, talk to them on the phone after school. Note: Pay attention to what you are talking about. 


Do these things on repeat M-F and it will be Thanksgiving before you know it. And that much closer to a successful school year. But Before we get to that part of the year, here are a couple more tips…


Change Your Room and Your Mind Around. At home you have many distractions. Like the refrigerator, your bed, your chill chair, your TV, your video games, your pet, and your neighborhood right outside the window. Separate yourself from all that until 3 o’clock. If you think about it, you will get to enjoy those things quicker anyway because you don’t have to ‘go home’ after school. You’re already there. 


A person that can adapt to change is a transformer. Have you seen the Transformer movies?! They do big and adventurous things.


Your room is not just a bedroom anymore. It’s now the place where you learn. School is in your bedroom. But don’t think of it as your bedroom right now.

Have your bed on one side of the wall and your desk/table on the opposite side of the wall. Keep the bed behind you. Now you’re not looking at it all day. I recommend you stay away from the bed. I wouldn’t do school work in the bed. It’s too relaxing. A person that is too relaxed will only do so much. 


If you have siblings and share a room, get with them to help you change up the room in a way that gives you a good school vibe. It could be fun to do.


Get creative. Everything you need to create a classroom in your room, I bet you already have. Make posters that remind you of what you want to do after you graduate. Look at positive words and pictures. Make it a banner across your computer screen. Play some good hype music between class work. Nothing negative. 


If you have a hobby, make space to do it while you’re at home. Get better at it. If you don’t have a hobby, this is a good time to discover one. This takes us to my last quick tip-


Add Some New Teachers to Your Life. Your super parents, a brother or sister, uncle or auntie, the cool next door neighbor, and a wise grandparent can be your teachers too. 


People with great minds have unlimited teachers.


No one can learn everything they need to know only in school.


I have some personal examples for learning right from your family… I have a brother that is good at studying the law and knowing your rights. He also likes to fix stuff around the house. Like real stuff like the toilet. Or he will take off the door and put on a new one. There’s another brother who likes to run businesses. He knows about having $150 and how to turn that into $500. And he’s fun to be around. I have a sister who is smart and interested in just about every subject. She wants to know why something works the way it does. And she’s the type that’s like, “there’s a better way to do this. So let’s figure out how to do it.” She’s also really crafty with her hands. And you thought I was done… but I have another brother who is a deep thinker. He’s witty and has street smarts. He can explain a complicated situation and make you feel so chill afterwards.

I learn something from each of them.


Talk to the people in your life. Sometimes you won’t have to go far. They could be in the room next to you. Or coming over for dinner. Ask them questions. Tell them something about yourself that they probably don’t know. And see where the conversation goes. You might discover something more about yourself and them.


We also have google at our fingertips. Look up the things you care about. Find out where to go and how to meet people to get closer to your goals.


Have A Fly From-Home School Year