Hey hey SO FLY ❤️s, hope you’re well.

I gotta say it. The iPhone is a better dreamer.


Ok. So I thought this opening line would get you going. Nothing wrong with a little spark, right?!


…But, seriously…


The Apple iPhones that Steve Jobs dreamed of are what I call #goals.

#Imagination goals. 


Jobs had a big idea. So big that every other person you know, and their mother, is using it.


Here are about 11 reasons why iPhones win in the dream world and the real world:



iPhone 3G

iPhone 4

iPhone 5

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Plus

iPhone 7

iPhone 8

iPhone X

iPhone 11 Pro


Check out this link if you want a cool and easy list about all of the iPhones.


…Because all iPhones have one thing in common: Another one is coming. They keep imagining how to get better. Upgrade after upgrade.


Look at what’s around you and imagine what you can create.

Now you have a goal. Big or small.

Next step is find out how to bring it to life. 

Do it.

Then repeat.

-Ideas are what you’re really made of.


Steve Jobs was no more special than you. Dare to dream.


-Much Love


P.S. Comment-

Now I know the Android bots ? think the iPhone is hype and the innovative improvements are slow.. some of the changes aren’t big changes.. and yes there is big competition out there doing some better things, But guess what, iPhone’s success is undeniable.. iPhone created the competition.. iPhone is the record for what we care about in a smartphone.. that started from one person’s thoughts.. My point is the iPhone was a huge idea for the ‘new way’ in mobile phones.. we can keep friendly-fighting about this all day long, I’m game… but since you can’t FaceTime me, don’t even worry about it.