Hi, sofly hearts –THANK YOU for sharing your time with this blog site. ❤️

There are so many things on our minds these days. We are loaded with all kinds of stuff –  from gossip girls (and yes, gossip boys too), to video games to Doritos.

There are thoughts we hide, thoughts that get blurted out because we don’t feel like thinking and thoughts that come out of ‘nowhere’, the ones that make us feel like life is too much.

The mind is our thoughts. It is our way of thinking. It is the most important part of how we function in life. This is the part of us that craves inner peace ☮️.

So here are a few tips that will give our minds the peace we gotta have.

Try the friend-o-later:

If the person or people you hang out with the most speaks negative about people or things they ‘don’t understand,’ or find themselves in negative situations way too often- take a break from them, respectfully say to this friend, I will see you later.

Manage media-mania:

These days most of us are constantly connected to some form of media. Not all of it is negative but plenty of it is, or simply not helpful to the un-crowding of the mind. Too much media (social media on Twitter, Instagram and the others; the Netflix of TV; Fortnite of video games; Top Stories news notifications; Not-SOFLY blogs, HA HA) is major overload on our thoughts. Managing it is key. Minimize your time on all of media.

Junk the junk food:

We might not immediately think of food as a correlation to the mind. But it is real. This one hurts me the most because I have to have my chips, M&M’s and Ginger Ale (granted, the only type of soda I will ever drink) almost daily. I’m no scientist or doctor but I’m learning that the contents and amounts of salt, coloring, sugar, acid and the what-the-what ingredients like Disodium Guanylate- are bad for my body. This junk stuff is taking away from our sharp thinking. Throw the junk food in the trash.

Wishing you peace and greatness of mind. We’re just getting started…

Much Love ✌️