I’ve bought into the retro and sporty #dadsneakers for this topic outfit. I’m all for this trend. It’s a craze right now. But how about a serious moment to hashtag (#) the Heart.
Let’s pull on some heartstrings.
Everything we do starts from the heart. Fast forward – Everything we do can be stopped by the heart. This is not about the heart of our physical anatomy. I’m talking about our motivation and desire. The spirit of the heart.
There is not enough buzz or talk around the ‘heart’. I have this notion that if we talked about it more -so many things would be amazingly different. Because the heart is amazing. It is powerful. But we have to use it and make it work for us. Not the other way around. (I hope you didn’t miss that.) MAKE YOUR HEART WORK FOR YOU.
In the next two phrases you can see why your heart deserves its own timeline.
No. 1 Whatever you want and do everyday, or just about everyday, are the reflections of situations going on inside you. This represents your heart.
After writing those last two lines I had to stop and look at my own situations. The good and bad. Beloveds, Be brave and look at yours.
No. 2 At every chance you get, know where your heart is. Decide if that place is where you want your heart to be.
Your heart is active whether you are paying attention to it or not.
…Hashtag that.
-There will be more SOFLY 12:30 heart talks.
-Much Love
Loving the pic ! Looking oSO FLY
Trying to be like you ??
#Heart ?
I like this projection. the heart is the mind inside our chest that speaks often. even though we have a mind or our brain our heart is where it begins to come into play see why Christ said guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issue of life. he also said so as a man think in his heart so is he. So we have to be so careful not to trust so much in it
Yezz! FAM on here preach-preaching. Keep us true to it.
We read about the heart in Jeremiah 17:9. Not knowing about the heart is detrimental to ones very being. Who can know the heart without consulting your creator? That’s my take on the heart. I ♥️ this article b/c the heart definitely needs to be highlighted more than ever. The Heart Mind Soul & Strength which is our very being but who actually focuses on it? Thx Miracle for this powerful important topic (the heart) I’ll just end with DEEP!!!!!!!!! ?
From the heart of my mother? Boom. ❤️
Baby boy star, we got her started!
My heart is my inner mirror to my soul. The mirror sometimes can be cloudy if not cleaned probably and if your heart is blurry you can’t see anything.So Start Cleaning PERIOD.#CrackedMirror #CleanMirror #12:30
I like that. #heart #soflytalk #12:30
My Lord! My Lord! Preach Baby Boy Star ??