Feb 25, 2019 | SOFLY Topics
photo by: biglilll This topic is inspired by two of my colleagues and friends from my fashion retail life. They were having a conversation about this Black History Month. Their exchange was one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard. Every...
Feb 18, 2019 | SOFLY Topics
Photo by: biglilll I love it when people are creative. Take this t-shirt for example—a photo of Congressman John Lewis with the caption ‘John the Legend’. Yes! T-shirt by The 19th Amendment DC (This Tee is part of a collection that pays...
Feb 7, 2019 | SOFLY Topics
We all know and love the Three M’s of Black History—Martin, Malcolm and Madame CJ. Now we can step our knowledge up a notch, or two or-three! I remember Black History Month in elementary school being all about the fun role play of these illustrious figures. We could...
Feb 4, 2019 | SOFLY Topics
Menu “Such Beauty In Black People” -“Celebrate Black Culture” -by Solange (A Seat At The...
Jan 28, 2019 | SOFLY Topics
Menu Do you ever think back to something or someone and it pushes you forward? It’s a good feeling. And one of those sweet treats in life. The not-so-great memory is just as important. It can put a pep in your step too if you need it. Looking back helps us remember...
Jan 21, 2019 | SOFLY Topics
Menu This blog site is really personal for me. I want it to feel personal. That might not be obvious to everyone. Some may think I’m doing this because I like talking and telling my youth what I think or what to do. On the contrary, I like reading and listening way...