Hey there. Let’s share love notes. ❤️ 


There is a gift inside this post. You have to keep scrolling to get it.


About this post…

When I first got on Twitter I would tweet these notes. A #lovenote. A quick thought about what love is to me. The note had to be energizing. I think it is a perfect time to start this again and make it bigger. Now I want to get my favorite people involved. Youth.


These are some of my favorite love notes right now…

Love is gangsta. It don’t need permission. #lovenote

Love is loyal. #lovenote

Love is real so prove it. #lovenote

So, For the prize! What is your #lovenote?

>Reply a #lovenote to this Blog (scroll to the bottom to comment).

>Tweet a #lovenote.

>Post a #lovenote to your Instagram.

[Write #lovenote after each note you post and it will be added to the SO FLY collection.]

Tag me in your posts @soflymiracle on Instagram or @miracles_sofly on Twitter.

Youth posts have a chance at a SO FLY Prize ?.


You already know, 

-Much Love-